Live Below the Line

Mar 20, 2013

D. G. Controls Ltd has always been run according to the highest ethical and moral values, and is well-aware of its wider social accountability; to use the correct terminology, its “Corporate & Social Responsibility” or CSR. Being a long-established business, but even more so in this present economic climate, the company is also well-aware of its costs of operation, and the need to maximise return on every £ spent. This is just the same in the personal lives of our employees. However, for thousands of people in the UK, and millions worldwide, the matter goes beyond “awareness” to crucial need. To those who do not have the luxury of so-called “disposable income” or assets, affording the basics of life can be a daily struggle.

It was especially horrifying during the recent Comic Relief event to see the interviews of mothers and fathers who have access to HIV anti-retroviral drugs but can’t take them as they don’t have enough food in their bellies (the drugs become toxic if taken on an empty stomach). They choose to give what little food they have to their children, and therefore sacrifice themselves. What a tragic situation.

“But what can you do?” is an understandable response.

Well, D. G’s Operations Director Wendy Whiten, and her 3 little boys are taking up a challenge set by The Global Poverty Project called “Live Below the Line”, to live on £1 per day per person for 5 days, and in the process hopefully raise awareness and money to support aid agencies trying to tackle the world hunger scandal. Follow their preparation, observations and fund-raising efforts on the deegee blog and join them on their own journey of discovery.

It’s often said that one person can’t change the world; but wouldn’t it be awesome if four people could change one person’s world?